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Tony Robbins Mastermind.com KBB & Mindmint software Review

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Everyone who knows me knows how much I love Tony Robbins  affiliate marketing, Internet marketing, and helping people use those tools to make a living online. It just makes sense these days, right?

Well, how embarrassing, sad, or alarming was it when I checked my email to find 1400 messages after 5 days of not logging into my account? Everyone has an online business. That’s the good news. And, they are sending out emails according to the rules of email marketing.

What’s It Mean?
The significance to me is that, sadly, email marketing is dying. That’s all that tells me. Sure, you might think that I am subscribed to gobs of Tony Robbins  blogs about Internet marketing (which I am). But, trust me when I say this — it is not enough to warrant that volume of emails.

Now if that was not enough, skimming through the subject and from lines was alarming. You may not know this about me, but I have never been and am still not interested in dating sites, clandestine affairs or really anything other than Internet marketing, etc. Lo-and-behold, my mailbox was chock full of affairs, energy products, and other crud in which I am not interested.

I am the saddest of all to say it, but this signifies the beginning of the end of email marketing. It is definitely an ugly view watching its violent death right before my eyes.

What Do You Do?
I hear you gnashing your teeth, and banging your fists on the desk in outrage. Yes, this is just like spam of old, and yet it is not about The Knowledge Business Blueprint email list.

My work here is not done. I have my work cut out for me to educate many more on the proper use of email marketing. The 1400 emails is a testament to that truth.

My bigger issue is how this unwanted spam masking itself as email marketing impacts those of you who are running businesses the right way. You ask permission and build your email lists with integrity. Yet, honestly, your emails are probably being mass deleted along with the junk emails. These dishonest people scrape, buy and steal email addresses.

It is, unfortunately, ruining email marketing. That’s seriously hampering click- through rates and conversions for legitimate email marketing efforts. So, what can you do?

Well, the first thing is always to play off of what you do have. You have built rapport with your customers, as have I. It means your subscribers trust you and white-list your emails to their main mailbox so that they can read your email newsletters. They put the junk in the spam folder where it belongs.

Now, yes, your money is still in The Knowledge Business Blueprint list. Though, it needs to be even more than ever built on trust. This also hinges on it being built on what you offer to your customers.

People will remember and look forward to the company that makes promises, delivers on them, and provides the actual products and services that they promise. They look forward to your emails and love how you help them succeed in life.

Yes, whenever you are writing an Knowledge Business Blueprint  email campaign, you will need to look at what you have to offer your customers. In return, your customers will regard you more as a friend who benefits their lives. At this point, that is both the point and the sweet spot of email marketing.

For more info on KBB head over to this review website https://www.squareenixmusic.com/knowledge-business-blueprint-review/

How To Rate An Knowledge Business Blueprint KBB  Email Marketing Campaign

It’s been determined that less than 5 percent of email marketers consider their email campaigns to have an “excellent” success rate. Only 35 percent even consider their campaigns to have been “good.” Worryingly, the rest rate them with terms such as “average” or “poor.”

An email marketing census that took over 1,000 different clients and agencies into account looked into several different aspects of their emails, including the following:

1 – The layout of the emails, as well as their content.

2 – The basic strategy of the emails.

3 – Mobile optimization.

Even with a growing number of tools available online, marketers still need email if they’re going to achieve a useful ROI. Fortunately, the effectiveness of email marketing can actually be measured. The fact that the census indicated so much unhappiness with their campaigns indicates that many marketers aren’t doing all they can in order to create the most efficient and effective campaigns.

Be Smart With Your Work

As always, a huge part of succeeding in the business world is properly managing your time. It’s like they say, “time is money.” With effective strategies at hand, email campaigns should be able to come together fairly quickly.

The census indicates that over 60 percent of email marketers take around 2 hours or more to develop their campaigns. Close to 20 percent indicated that they might take as much as 8 hours. This lengthy work cycle leaves little time for email testing, and it’s also quite costly.

Only the companies that had enough time to properly test their emails managed to maintain a good ROI. It’s very telling that a sizable percentage of the polled marketers mentioned having never invested any time in testing or even optimization of their emails. Only around 20 percent mentioned spending any significant amount of time doing so. While the entire process of testing and optimization can be streamlined, it looks as if a lot of marketers are spending so much time on generating their campaigns that they have little opportunity to worry about how functional they are.

Basic Strategy Tony Robbins Mobile Compatibility

More and more people are relying upon their smartphones to browse the internet and check their KBB emails these days. Marketers absolutely have to cater to this sizable user base in order to succeed now. Only a quarter of the marketers participating in this census were considering any sort of mobile integration. Most of the rest had no real plans for it at all. Those that mentioned mobile as one of their biggest focuses were decidedly outnumbered, but it’s clear they’re ahead of the curve.

The lack of awareness of mobile’s importance is worrying enough, but many marketers seemed to have little reverence for careful planning of any kind. At least 12 percent of the respondents mentioned having no real strategies for their emails in place. Over half of the companies out there have reported that at least 10 percent of their sales are generated by emails, it’s clear that having an inadequate email strategy can hurt your business significantly.

For an in depth  info about Knowledge Business Blueprint read this KBB Review

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